The creator of Her Song and an avid catgirl enthusiast.

Ty Cooper @PaperboyWTC


King's School of Impersonation

In Memphis chasing cats

Joined on 10/20/22

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PaperboyWTC's News

Posted by PaperboyWTC - December 15th, 2023

Another year without progress, but some good changes came about.

While I haven't been here for terribly long, I'd like to think this is where I'll be for awhile. At least until some overwhelming compulsion somehow drives me on to something better.

I've had a better reception here than everywhere I've been prior. I suppose that's something I should have expected, given I came from lurking, to a few social medias, and finally poking around a few circles before landing here. I've kicked myself in the head for sticking to the top of that fence for so long.

Anyways, I genuinely do intend to host my work here for the foreseeable future. I'll continue using my current socials and continue to interact with more people as I grow. This year has yielded proof to me that I can do that and that I shouldn't put myself down. I'll make something of it I promise.

Here's to a more fruitful next year and for years to come. I want to make my project come true and I refuse to undercut quality or vision.

See you around,



Posted by PaperboyWTC - July 1st, 2023


Her Song Is My Project

Also called Project Somniac, I've been writing and illustrating bits and pieces through the years and have decided to put in an effort to make something grand of a few vapid musings I had as a kid. Maybe it'll go somewhere, it'll most likely flop or become forgotten- lost to the endless march of time and the infinite change humankind goes through. Too nihilistic?

Anyways, I want to get it out of my head and onto paper. Or a screen. Or thousands. (Maybe a really big screen someday?) You probably aren't here for semantics and generalized proverbial hot air, so on to the project, yeah?

Project Somniac

In the late 21st century, the world was actually pretty glum. Long story made oversimplified- things went the way of the Classical Era and a second dark ages happened. By the 28th century, much of modern society started to reemerge and mankind once again began to flourish. A couple centuries later in the end of the 30th and start of the 31st is where our story begins, following initially a girl from a xenophobic tribe of highly militarized descendants of veterans from a war roughly 150 years earlier. Crash, boom, bam- things go tails up and she's introduced to modern society, into a country born of the ashes of America where freedom is paramount, but laws help provide a precedence of consequences for malicious behavior.

That girl is named Emily Vera Churchill. Her Song takes a lot of inspiration from music, notably the Seattle Grunge Movement and the evolution of blues to more modern American music. If it helps, think Fallout NV, but Stone Temple Pilots and Mudhoney instead of Guy Mitchell and Dean Martin. I'll try to steer away from the Fallout analogy as much as possible, but bear in mind it influenced those childhood musings to begin with.

Hey, if you took time out of your day to read this brief post, I genuinely appreciate it. Please feel free to ask me any questions or start a discussion at any point. Additionally, most all of my existing artworks can be found on my Twitter (same handle) as well as some lore dumps if you're willing to dig through for a bit.

Stay classy, Newgrounds!


Posted by PaperboyWTC - July 1st, 2023

Howdy, I'm Paperboy. I've been lurking the internet for about a decade and fairly recently decided to try and make an appearance of myself. After bouncing a couple of platforms, I'm finally here. I've been a fan of NG for years, but up until now I never considered myself to be the right kinda crowd for it, dig?

Well, it'll take me a minute to get adjusted. I'm scratching away at a few things, so the art and whatnot I post may not necessarily be in chronological order for a bit.

Got any questions? Suggestions? I'm down to talk about whatever, man. Just, ah, don't get too weird, dig?